Our Research | Rangahau
Research Goals
Three critical research goals guide Mobilising for Action’s research framework for the three years of our programme:
2020-21: Whakamārama – To Understand
What meaning do people attach to te taiao, ngahere, and taonga species?
2021-22: Whakapiri - To Engage
How can people’s connection to te taiao, ngahere, and taonga species be fostered and supported now and in the future?
2022-2023 Whakamana - To Empower
How can people be empowered to make a difference now and in the future, to ensure te taiao, ngahere, and taonga species flourish?
While these research goals are identified as discrete annual goals, each is mutually constitutive and cannot be disentangled from the others. Therefore:
whakamārama drives whakapiri and whakamana
whakapiri drives whakamārama and whakamana,
whakamana drives whakamārama and whakapiri.
Research Strategy
Mobilising for Action’s research framework and strategy was developed from the findings of a scoping investigation which saw the co-leads engage with over 170 people from both Crown Research Institutes and universities; iwi, hapū and whānau; kaitiaki and rangatira; local, regional and central government agencies; industry and community groups, and non-governmental organisations.
Research Projects
From July 2020, Mobilising for Action has funded a range of research projects that contribute to our research goals. Our research includes projects and initiatives grounded in a kaupapa Māori approach/framework, and others that are grounded in critical Western social science approaches/frameworks.