Our Research | Research Strategy
Our Research Strategy to Mobilise for Action
Research Goals
Mobilising for Action was established as a theme in late 2019. From January to June 2020, we undertook a broad scoping investigation that engaged over 170 people in kōrero and hui to inform the development of our research strategy. This kōrero revealed key themes that shaped the development of our three critical research goals:
Whakamārama – Understanding
Whakapiri - Engaging
Whakamana – Empowering
Research Framework
Together these research goals are guided by a research framework informed by:
Our research framework gives full effect to the meaning and significance of the waka hourua research model ensuring that all our research provides opportunity, in both the short or long-term, for authentic engagement by Māori and incorporation of mātauranga and kaupapa Māori processes into Mobilising for Action’s research strategy.
Guided by the analogy of the waka hourua, Mobilising for Action also provides a place for mātauranga Māori and Western science to exist side-by side, respecting the relative strengths of each other and drawing on the potential of each to create new knowledge.
Link to our Research Projects