Our Research | Peri-urban Behaviour
Psychological Distance of Pro-Environmental Behaviour in a Peri-Urban Community
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Key Research Aims
This research aims to investigate:
how does psychological distance affect pro and anti-environmental behaviour in relation to the spread of kauri dieback in Titirangi?
Funded Years: 2022
Research Brief
Humans are likely to be the most significant vector for spreading kauri dieback into new areas. With the pathogen able to survive in microscopic amounts of soil and being transported into new areas, pro-environmental behaviours are critical to the prevention of disease spread. Proximity of human habitation to kauri forested areas gives plenty of opportunity for this spread.
Witnessing environmental degradation is believed to be one of the largest influencers on pro-environmental attitudes. Further, how important or ‘close’ an individual feels to an environmental or social issue, can determine a person’s response. Geospatial (spatial distance between the event/object and the perceiver), temporal (time between the object/event and the perceiver), social (perceived similarities between other and self), and uncertainty (perceived likelihood of an event) have been shown to predict responses, or willingness to engage in pro-environmental behaviour.
Research Methodology
Using a quantitative research design, the study will adapt Jones et al.’s (2017) Psychological Distance Measure to determine how Psychological Distance scores correlate with kauri dieback rule breaking behaviours in Titirangi. The hypothesis being tested is that decreased Psychological Distance (indicating the problem feels psychologically nearer) will result in increased pro-environmental attitudes and less rule-breaking behaviour.
The purpose will be to determine if different audience segments can be predicted through these dimensions. If so, then future research can tailor different education, media, enforcement, or behavioural approaches and successfully promote pro-environmental behaviour within these segments. Better understanding the motivations behind breaches of rules will enable the design of interventions that support higher levels of compliance and can guide agencies in the efforts to direct pro-environmental behaviours.
Project Resources
M.Sc thesis
This research will be written up as an M.Sc thesis for submission in late 2022.